Heatmiser only driver for Control4
Control4 driver for Heatmiser UF heating systems, including Neo, TouchV2 and compatible wiring centres (e.g. UH1, PRTN).
Control4 Brainboxes Remote I/O
Driver suite integrating any ethernet-controlled Brainboxes Remote I/O device into Control4.
Control4 Thermostat Group
Group multiple thermostats together in Control4, giving control for every device in the group simultaneously.
Dahua NVR driver for Control4
A Control4 driver for Dahua NVRs.
Shelly IoT Energy Management
Control4 Driver for Shelly IoT Energy Management
Faradite Motion Sensor 360 Driver for Control4
Control4 Driver for Faradite Motion Sensor 360
ATEN ecoPDU driver for Control4
A Control4 driver for ATEN eco PDUs.
ATEN ecoPDU Lite driver for Control4
A Control4 driver for ATEN eco PDUs.
Vitrea VTouch Pro + VMax
Control4 driver suite has providing responsive, two-way control of the Vitrea VTouch Pro and VMax systems.
Recently updated to further simplify integration with automatic configuration, saving…
Loewe Television SL7xx series driver for Control4
Control4 Driver for Loewe Television SL7xx series